Community Investments Authority

Modern Digital Asset Investments for Local Projects

HSC is a new community investment authority that provides long term investment incentives for local residents.

  • Real Estate
  • Transportation
  • Infrastructure
  • Utilities
  • Business, and
  • Employment.

Community Investments

As a public authority HSC offer Treasury Bank’s digital assets to community leaders and government agents to invest in local community investments by extending:

• Direct loans,
• Loan guarantees, and
• Tax Credits.

HSC is classified as a regulated non-profit entity that work with government agencies to acquire loan guarantee to secure credit risk and procurement default.

Guarantees, loans and grants may be used for:

• Community Businesses
• Program Development
• Employment Stock Programs

Third-Party Administration

HSC also acts as Third-Party Administration (TPA) that will provide warehousing of documents that outlines the rules, policies, accounting, bookkeeping, debits credit transfer to clearing banks and brokerages as intermediaries.

Invest in programs with in your area

Making Voting Rights an investment.

Every citizen has a vote and property ownership benefits within their community, that can be leveraged for Investment funding.

Creating International Opportunity

Selling local investments globally to improve the local economics and bring jobs back to US residents.

Access to Business Investment Finance

 Providing short and long term loans for stock and bond investment in local business program and employment.

Modern Community Investment Tools

Investment Storage
Securities Depository and Clearing

Treasury Banking
Dematerialized receivables and payables

IFRS, IAS, and GAAP audit methods.

Online Support!

Regular Community Investment Meeting

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